Maximize your time at CABDA with these traffic drivers and branding options!
Plus when you help us to spread the word about CABDA you can earn valuable rewards!
Engagement & Exhibitor Rewards
Attendee Engagement
In addition to the many great Sponsorships and Branding Packages we offer...CABDA also produces several FREE advertising opportunities.
- Unique Registration Codes
to share with your dealers.
- Customized Social Media and
Email Graphics featuring your
CABDA booth number.
- Customized and sharable
QR codes for CABDA Registration.
- Your own personalized landing page site to send your dealers so they can register for CABDA!
Sign up with the form below!
Sign me up for this awesome program!
Exhibitor Rewards Program
We'll keep track of all the registrations that are made with your booking code...the top ten influencers will receive their pick of the following prizes!
Also, about a week before the event we'll share a list of all the retailers that registered with your Unique Registration Code. Use it to book meetings, send advanced materials, or just to know who you biggest fans are!
Contact [email protected] to get started today!
Free Breakfast Sponsorship
You get the idea!
$1500 value
Free Hotel
Stay at the Official CABDA Host Hotel... And it's on us!
$500 value
Free Postcard Campaign
Follow-up Postcard campaign sent to all registered shops at the CABDA Expo!
$800 value
Free Badge Scanner
Collect leads with your own complimentary Badge Scanner.
$450 value
Free Scavenger Hunt
Get more foot traffic with a spot on our Official Scavenger Hunt!
$450 Value
Your own in-booth happy hour! including beer, soft drinks, and a bartender.
$1600 Value